Wednesday 12 June 2013

Things move fast when you are having fun

Rosalind and I had a clinic today

Her counts are excellent, which is important as it means you can then get insurance. Eg her company insists her Neutrophils are over 5. They no longer want chimersim test every three months -  six months will do. And they will wean her off acyclovir over time - ie use up what you have left. But she will stay on the antibiotics for ever

The transplant process for me rolls on at a pace. Anthony Nolan have found several potential donors and are already doing extra tests on a few. We should know about a match very soon. So assuming nothing goes pear shaped and the go ahead is given, I could be starting a transplant in September.

Donors have to be checked for detailed match, they have to be in very good medical shape, still willing and available when we need it. Plus we need to ask for enough for the transplant, and ideally some extra for topups if needed. There is also something to do with immunity from CNV which i need or they need or something - but that is for the consultants to figure out.

And I will have to have a have a detailed medical examination e.g lungs, heart, etc. and then they tell me all the risks in great detail, and then I have to agree or not.

Some more good news. I will not be the first patient in Plymouth eith MDS to have a transplant in the new ward - and they are very comfortable about the protocol they will follow

Meanwhile we will be keeping the blasts down with full dose chemo starting next Monday for 7 days.

So some very positive progress, even if I have to take a very deep breath.

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