Monday, 1 November 2010

Transplant day minus 3

Roz is feeling pretty rough today. It is all the 'normal' side effects of the chemo, along with loss of potassium. The net effect is feeling awful, not knowing what to do with herself, excessive tiredness, diarrhea, stomach upsets, and so on. She is having to force herself to eat. During the day and part of the night she is hooked up to all sorts of drips.
  • For the chemo. 
  • For the things that combat the side effects of the chemo
  • Stuff to stop the transplant being rejected,
  • Loads of saline bottles to clean out the lines after everything
  • Stuff to put back the potassium she has lost, ... 
This latter is particularly important as an imbalance of potassium can effect your heart.

However the Doctors seem very pleased with her progress. And every now and again she has a smile and a giggle, and a joke with the nurses or doctors

The photo shows her sleeping while have the second of five 'one hour' potassium drips in a row . The next bottle will be given at the same time as this afternoon's chemo dose. Two lines at the same time Quite a battering the body takes, and hers is doing really well

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you lots Rosalind! So sorry I didn't get to see you at the weekend. But by the looks of it you weren't feeling up to much. I really hope you feel better soon and everything is going to plan.
    Love Caroline xoxoxo
