Sunday, 21 November 2010

Out and back at Mum and Dads

Ros waiting with her luggage for the car to come around, with Mark - one of the great nurses who had brought her down from the ward
The journey home was a long one - around 5 hours in the car. We stopped a couple of times at service station on the M4. She has to go to Derriford Hospital on Monday and we have to drive back to Kings for an appointment on Wednesday - she could easily catch something on public transport. The car has been cleaned to nearly show room standard, and then wiped down with antiseptic wipes. We stocked up well with nibbles and CDs - talking books can pass the journey well
Steve and the kids came over for the week end. Isabel had to wear a mask as she had a bit of a snuffle - she pretended she was a nurse!

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