Tuesday 6 August 2013

Next step in the process to my transplant

Yesterday I had bloods and a bone marrow test. The results will be in two weeks, when I see the Prof again. Then we will decide how and when to go ahead with the transplant.

Meanwhile the consultant at Kings wants me to continue with the Azacitidine, starting another session next week. It's the 'if its down (the blasts or Cancer if you like) then let's keep it down' strategy

Meanwhile my biggest issues are trying to fully recover from the mad cow problems

My sprained ankle is a lot better, but a ways to go yet. The bruises are still very swollen. I am seeing a sports expert on such things tomorrow and getting a special massage on Thursday
And then it's down to getting fit, losing a bit of weight and getting my heart and lungs tone improved

I thought I might try playing the saxophone to help my lungs, so my granddaughter is going to teach me
As for the heart - exercise - possibly hitting  old bags - punch bags that is

And I am trying to get my teeth in top shape. The cow knocked half of one tooth off ( now capped) and hair lined cracked two others. So today they were X rayed. Before the transplant the dentist may need to do root work on them, and get my teeth very clean and gum disease free. Luckily they are in otherwise quite good shape

When your immune system is zapped the biggest danger of infection is yourself

Roz is doing well and helping me as I used to do to her before meet transplant

1 comment:

  1. Oop!! It was must be very painful???? I think you and roz were done very great job.

    Aaron |
    Mobile Massage
