Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Rosalind gets another upset, and I finish my third lot of AZT

Good news
Well it's Wednesday. I have had seven(actually 14) lots of AZT this week. No real problems. The usual nausea, constipation from the anti- nausea drugs, horrid red blotches across my stomach, and excessive tiredness.

In spite of that I have managed to do quite a lot around the farm this week - mainly moving, checking and sorting out sheep to go into different lots for sale.  It has been very nice working my sheep dogs, especially Josh. His mother Whisper is still willing, but getting on a bit. Last weekend we had folks coming to buy sheep, and we really enjoyed sorting them out 33 lovely Hebridean pedigree sheep

Less than good news
Meanwhile Rosalind has had another upset to her recovery. Her latest Chimerism test has shown that her original bone marrow is still taking up too high a percentage of her total number of cells. It is the so-called CD3 cells where her donor cells only represent 25% of them. Only a full marrow marrow biopsy will tell them exactly what the issue is and what to do next. It could, for example, require her to have low dose chem followed by another top-up - but we just do not know yet.
Her bone marrow test will be on Monday, and then we have to wait 10 days or so for both Kings and Derriford to analyse it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my brother is just about to have his top up, we are all worried, nice to read your story, life is for living call the best, fran
