Thursday, 30 June 2011

A quick check up before I start

I popped into Derriford for a consultation and check up. My blood tests were fine, ferritin down to 141 - which is great. They took another pint of blood, which will be the last for a long time, so it will probably bring the level down to around 100 to enable me to have blood transfusions if I need them.

As far as we know I start treatment on Monday - they have just to make sure that the drug that was ordered has actually arrived.

During treatment if I get a fever they will have me in hospital like a shot

My list to take in is:

Cod liver oil tablets
Slip on shoes
Change of clothes / day clothes
Laptop + Charger + Vodaphone roving Internet modem
Iphone + Charger + connector
Electric Shaver + Charger (wet shaving not a good idea in case you cut your self)
Wash kit
Toothbrush / paste (Not electric one, as they could cause bleeding)
Wipes and gel
Pad / pens
Playing Cards
Music and videos on iphone
Photo Magazines – I can spend time editing photographs on my PC and improving our family photo album

I had an extra blood test on Monday that was sent to the Anthony Nolan Trust t see if there might be an unrelated donor available.

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