Tuesday, 1 February 2011

A major milestone for Rosalind

Last week was a major milestone. Roz was going anemic and the doctors thought she needed a blood transfusion, but they took a considered view and did not give her it. The reason was that last week was when Roz came off the anti-rejection drugs. These suppress the Bone Marrow production. She has also gone to a much reduced level of the anti-viral tablets - which also suppress the bone marrow. So the thought was that her new bone marrow should be given a chance.

It has done well, and she has not needed the transfusion - and is looking well.

However, this is a time to be very wary, as host Vs graft (or vice versa) disease can appear and need to be managed. So yesterday and today when she got a mild dose of diarrhoea she immediately rang both hospitals to check - they both agreed to not worry and test her tomorrow - Wednesday

So tomorrow Roz and I both have scheduled bone marrow biopsies, blood tests, and Roz meets the consultant at Kings. We arrived at Robert and Jessica's a couple of hours ago, had a nice meal and chat. They got engaged at Christmas - the whole family is delighted.

The photo below was taken a few days ago in Roz's local town of Tavistock, when we all went to do a few hours shopping

Tomorrow is also a good day, as very old (in the sense of know them a long time ) and dear friends of ours from San Francisco are coming to stay with us for 10 days or so. Our first visitors besides immediate family for a year - and we hope to get a few days off as holiday

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