Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Great test results

I went to the clinic today and got some good test results following extensive blood tests last week

All my normal blood results were fine. The viruses I had earlier are staying away and of most importance my CD3 result was 76% which is up from the mid 60s five weeks ago. This means that 76% of my CD3 is from my donor. It should be 95%+

My whole blood value is 88% (lowered by the CD3), while my Neutrophil count. Has gone up to 100% donor, which is great

The consultant say that at least it is stable and at best improving a bit. If it does not get into the high 90s they will still want to give me a top up of stem cells from my donor, but ideally not until after 12 months to minimise side effects.

I am now off all medication except for penicillin tablets twice a day for the rest of my life, and an allopurinol tablet to stop me catching gout again. Clinics frequency has again changed from 5 weekly to once very six weeks

Coming off the anti viral drug Aciclovir may have a side effect of catching shingles. This might explain why Rosalind caught shingles a couple of weeks after she came off Aciclovir

Tommorrow I achieve another transplant objective, which was to replace my car that I have had for five years. Same model, different colour, and less miles per gallon, and a few more goodies eg blind spot car detector

My friend Pete who is on Azacitidine like I was is doing really well after many many months, so I am very pleased

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