Friday, 3 January 2014

Clinic update

Yesterday at clinic the consultant was very pleased with my progress 

Last time she took me off various drugs, yesterday she took me off even more. This will give my new bone marrow every chance to be most efficient , as many of the drugs inhibit the bone marrow production, but are essential to keep you alive in the early days post transplant 

The next thing to watch out for is rashes or other gentle or severe signs of graft Vs host fighting as the new cells try and mop up any left over cells. A smallish reaction would be good

Ros is slowly recovering from her shingles from before Christmas - luckily she had gone past the infectious stage before they and the rest of the family came for Christmas and New Year. We had a lovely time

The weather now is strong winds blue sky and sunlight. Half an hour ago I moved some rams to new pastures and the sky went black, thunder, lightening, rain, hail and strong winds. 

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