Sunday, 11 November 2012

No news has been Good News

Roz has been very well and has been running various craft workshops for adults and children. The next one is making all sorts of different Christmas Decorations - I really like these life-like Christmas Puddings
I have been very well and have continued to respond to the 5 weekly treatment. I have to watch out for anything vaguely sinister on my skin, and a consultant will cut out one mole like thing that was not going away when treated with liquid Nitrogen several times.
We got our new bull last week, and had thirty gentlemen around for breakfast on the farm on Saturday - we raised money for the local Church and for the new Cancer Ward in Plymouth

My wife and I are going to Estonia after my next treatment - its a pain having to get insurance when you have Cancer. But the MDS Patient group can help with a list of companies

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