Monday, 27 August 2012

Harvest, then a wedding, more Azacidadine, then a Holiday

She got more results which showed her donor had gone back up to 95% so we have all relaxed again. She looks great, feels well, and apart from getting very tired from time to time, she is doing very well

My recover from the 12th course of Azacitadine was very quick. A few days later I did 12 hour days harvesting hay on a JCB / tractor for 6 days. Yes i was very tired afterwards, but I was delighted as I could not have done that last year, or the year before.
Then we prepared for my son's wedding - the farm looked great, the weather was kind to us and they had a wonderful wedding with 60 + guests staying all weekend. This was an enormous undertaking.  We got lots of help from the family, including Roz. The lesson is - that even if you have severe problems, with a will, and adrenaline, you can do more than you think.

Immediately after the wedding I had my 13 th course, which went well ( just the usual nausea and feeling rubbish for the 12 hours after each injection. )

Now my wife and I are looking forward to 6 days of proper holiday in the Gloucester area in a couple of nice hotels

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