Saturday, 26 May 2012

11th Azacitadine dose complete OK

That was much better - half dose is a lot easier on me. And for only 5 days instead of 7 is nice.
I have even been able to do some outdoor physical work on the mornings of treatment.
The nurses got extra training on how to give the drug, and told me to make sure that was how it was done in future
  • Mix this very thick drug for several minutes
  • Apply at 45 degrees to the skin - normally the stomach
  • And take 60 seconds plus to put it in
  • If it does not go - it can sorta clog up - use another needle and try again elsewhere 
I have switched from the anti sickness pill called Ondansatron to another which has less side effects. I can do that as my body has really got used to the Azazitadine .

I have been very lucky with side effects. Fellow patients some times get bad nausea, need extra blood, saline mix if they cannot drink enough or other treatment. But they all keep their spirits up - which helps a lot.

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