Monday, 9 January 2012

A Happy and Healthy year to you all

We had a lovely Christmas break. The whole family came to our place, and Roz and I were in good enough state to have a great time, eat lots and even have a few drinks - although niether of us can drink very much these days. So the trick is to drink a little of something VERY nice.

Then Roz had us and a few of her close friends around for New Year, when there was much sillyness on the WII - and again much food, drink and laughter

I had clinic last week, and got the go ahead for another course starting today.

It was very amusing. Roz had to go in for a bone marrow biopsy and chemerism blood test, and I had to start my AZT chemo after another blood test - as this week they will carefully monitor my liver, which can be hit hard by AZT. We were two out of the total number of five patients they had in the ward during the whole afternoon - it is normally heaving, with long delays. Several of the NHS staff had not realised this father / daughter link, and being treated simultaneously for the same thing is very weird even for these hardened (but lovely) professionals

On the bad side - we found out today from her mum that a young patient that we got to know very well is losing her battle. Roz and I have a lot to be grateful for.

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