Monday, 14 November 2011

Good new. AZT seems to be working, at least for now

Not everybody responds well to azacitadine. I met a lady the other day who had to come off it after 4 tranches, as it did not agree with her or was not working. I am finishing my 5th tranche tomorrow.

AZT certainly has been doing me some good, as my platelets and red cells are now very good. My neutrophils are back down at .4 at the moment - they seem to go down to .4 each time and then build back up to 1 just before I get hit again.

The less than good news
This time, I got a new side effect. This was a skin infection on several parts of my body - it seems to be reacting very well to a special course of antibiotics. I also have rashes all over, which seems to react to E45 cream. Anti-inflammatory tablets have helped, but the Piritin had to be replaced by stronger stuff to give me more relief. The good news was that the new stuff does not cause heavy duty drowsiness - so I can drive again. The net other side effects have not been very pleasant - nausea etc. (Mainly the etc. !!)

The good news
Now the really good news is that I just got an email from my consultant who tells me that my BLASTS are down at 3%. This is back into a normal range - I was at 10+%. before they put me on to AZT. You might remember that that >5% is early warning, over 10% means start treatment and over 20% means you have leukemia as well

I am going up to London on 5th Dec to see the Prof- armed with printouts and results so they can compare with my previous results.

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