Monday, 31 October 2011

Feeling good

We had to down size our herd and sold ~ 130 animals at an on farm sale. It was very sad saying goodbye to animals that we had brought into the world and showed at County shows, but we made very reasonable prices. We still have a few left, including two that calfed in the past few days. Downsizing was to enebl us to cope, should Ros and / or I need more complex treatment.
We are donating some of the proceedings to the Plymouth hospital to help them create and / or  fit out a new ward which will enable them to offer the ability to do unrelated donor stem cell transplant for the South West. We also got a nice contribution from our Auctioneer, and a person from whom we had bought cattle some years ago. So the total cheque to them will be ~ £1200.

I am in for blood tests, bone marrow tests and clinic on Wednesday

Ros is still waiting for her bone marrow results and whether she should have a top up from ages ago

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