Thursday, 12 May 2011

Blood result trends

Both of us are being treated in both London and Plymouth hospitals. So one thing I find useful is to record and plot my blood results. That way if I go for an appointment and they do not know my recent trends, I can just show them

So the three most important trends I have are
1. Blasts from bone marrow biopsy - these have been below 4 and the last time were 8 - which is not good - not enough to grpah yet (And I would like a straight line at 8, or even going back to 4 :-) )
2. Ferritin- iron levels
3. Neurophils
So here they are - click on it to see the image bigger

The good things are my ferritin level is coming back down to normal following lots of blood letting, and my I have gone above 1.0 on Neutrophils, so can relax a little about catching things for a while. I even had some Stilton Cheese the other day, which is not recommended if you are neutropenic

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