Sunday, 25 May 2014

Another post transplant objective met

I set myself an objective or target of going to the three day Devon County Show and have achieved it. We not only went, but manned the Rare Breed Survival Trust stand and trained up and took 10 sheep which we showed on the Primitive Rare Breed sheep class. I am delighted to say we won most classes, along with Champion and Reserve Champion sheep
So if you are going through a difficult path, set your own objectives and then strive to achieve them. It's amazing how it helps

Notice my hair has returned to an acceptable level

The event exhausted me, but Hay Ho, we did it

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Nearly 7 months and doing well

I have just had clinic and my chimerism is a bit better 67% donor up from 61% a month ago. 

I have been told that I can just use up the remaining pills of three different types and then stop having them all together. I will remain on an antibiotic and anti gout tablet for as long as I live

I will now switch to four weekly clinics from three, and soon will be on Friday clinics which Rosalind is already on, for less acute cases 

Yesterday we started training 8 sheep to show at the Devon county show. Two of the rams are so fiesty that I will not be able to control them until one of my staff had 'broken' them - which is basically just a matter of being stronger than they are when they buck. One of my post transplant objectives was to show at the Devon County show. I will let you know how I get on
Here is one of the rams being selected and having his hooves trimmed