My blood counts are good, though Hb still lowish
My first chimerism test came back showing 100% white cells are the donor and 83% red cells donor - av 88% - which is pretty good
My CMV count went to zero - very good
All previous cultures negative
On the down site my temperature has fluctuating between 37.2 and two bouts of 37.8C
Today it decided to go to 38.0C !!! Which is not good
I think inpart I was because I was wrapped up heavily but they have just taken it again - 37.9C Grrrrrr
So the blood results were fine, blood culture from earlier in week, slight eye issues - so more swabs, urine sample, full body check OK, too late to X-ray chest, a misc background infection test showed a slight level
Two different antibiotics prescribed and some eye drop. And then as nothing obvious , besides the temp, I was sent home
Barbara, meantime, had gone down for a set of MRI scans legs, back, neck and head.She gets clasuastraphobia so wasnot looking forward to it- I had hoped to be there for moral support, but no chance yet
For each test, she was told how long they would - so 'eyes closed and Mississippi 1, Mississippi 2, ... ' Works as a great distraction