Saturday, 30 November 2013

Day 44

It's been an up and down week

My blood counts are good, though Hb still lowish 

My first chimerism test came back showing 100% white cells are the donor and 83% red cells donor - av 88% - which is pretty good

My CMV count went to zero - very good
All previous cultures negative 

On the down site my temperature has fluctuating between 37.2 and two bouts of 37.8C
Today it decided to go to 38.0C !!! Which is not good
I think inpart I was because I was wrapped up heavily but they have just taken it again - 37.9C Grrrrrr

So the blood results were fine, blood culture from earlier in week, slight eye issues - so more swabs, urine sample, full body check OK, too late to X-ray chest, a misc background infection test showed a slight level

Two different antibiotics prescribed and some eye drop. And then as nothing obvious , besides the temp, I was sent home

Barbara, meantime, had gone down for a set of MRI scans legs, back, neck and head.She gets clasuastraphobia so wasnot looking forward to it- I had hoped to be there for moral support, but no chance  yet

For each test, she was told how long they would - so 'eyes closed and Mississippi 1, Mississippi 2, ... ' Works as a great distraction

Thursday, 21 November 2013

35 days post transplant

Doing well. Gradually doing more each day
It's a long haul, getting over the feet problems went from dragging myself up the stairs, to slow climb with one hand holding, to yesterday when I managed several flights of stairs - albeit slowly

I am starting to do a few small things around the house, drinks, parts of meals, feed pets etc
I think the more you dio the better, within reason , though I still get tired very quickly.
I am also feeling the cold less now, which helps.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Day 30

I had clinic on Wednesday and they were very please with progress, and even cancelled the Friday check up.
When I do not need to go for check-ups I wander around the house a bit,  make calls, and do a few hours on the computer, We went out to Langs - our nearby abattoir and butcher to collect some gammons we had coming 

I mentioned some time ago how they filter the stem cells from the blood of the donor, in some case yourself or a sibling.
Well this is the machine they use. Using a line, they connect your blood flow through the machine. When in the machine it does a complex process called a hokee cokee, followed by turning the blood around. That is what it is all about. I nice simple multi-purpose machine

My daily pattern is get up, work and mess around, lunch, sleep for 2 hours, get up again and go to bed at 10:00

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Day 21 Discharged home & Day 22 At home

Day 21
I have been working hard to remove any reasons that were preventing discharge. The gout is easing and I managed to stomach the oral version of my one remaining intravenous drug, plus the sickness is under better control again.

After the entourage of doctors had examined me they asked me if any of the other doctors had told me when I might go home? I asked them when they thought I ought to be going home? So the senior doctor said anytime really! We discussed alternatives then agreed that today would be fine (I.e. Day 21).

Minor panic ensued as Barbara couldn't be available until late afternoon as there was a group of students visiting the farm, a sick ram awaiting the vet and a new rare-breed Portland ram arriving sometime in the afternoon. Roz was happy to bring me home but was having difficulty getting hold of friends to pick up the children from school. Persistence paid off, the children were sorted then we had to wait for a big bag of drugs, discharge papers, and a wheel chair. Roz had to do three or four trips to the car with bags of my stuff. When we at last got out we had the last four bags - which was strange as we only came in with four bags !!! I said my goodbyes and then FREEDOM after four weeks of encasement!!
The dogs were pleased to see me, when they realised who I was!!

Day 22
I am sleeping better, eating and drinking better, my gout is nearly under control, temperature still up and down a bit, Barbara has me organised on pills and potients 
Tomorrow I have to be in the DayCase unit by 9:00 am to got various tests and monitoring. If needed I will get drips or what ever the results suggest

Day 19

Feeling much better - my ability to concentrate had improved and I am sitting up in my chair more. I even managed to read a bit. Blood counts fine

The three things to fix are my feet, sickness and getting me off the IV anti fungil before they will let me out.

You can possibly see my skin flaking off. Not a pretty sight!

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Day 17

Yesterday and today my counts have improved again 

Heamoglobine up a bit to 11.3 - (14 or 15 would be great, but Hb always takes a bit longer)
Platelets 316 - very respectable 
Neutrophils 6.1 !! Which is fantastic

They have taken my off antibiotic cover, and all but one of the IV drips have been switched to tablets

My biggest issue is the gout. I can barely walk with it. Which also limits my exercises. They will try a tweak on one drug and some anti-inflammatory cream

The gout has spread to both feet, I have pains under the arch of my left foot